Functional Testing

Whilst your symptoms say a lot, tests can show us even more...

Functional lab testing are not offered through government health care, yet may be covered with your medical insurance (if you have ~ please note AlisonStockton Ltd do not at this time accept Medical insurance.

This type of testing is often used within the context of functional medicine, a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness rather than just managing symptoms. By utilising targeted laboratory assessments, Alison and her associate practitioners can tailor treatment plans to address clients individual imbalances and promote optimal health and well-being to live a more enriched life.

It's important to note that functional lab testing should be interpreted by qualified healthcare professionals, trained in functional medicine or integrative medicine, as results may be complex and require specialised knowledge for proper assessment and intervention. Any test without interpretation is just data.

Functional lab tests can reveal subtle imbalances or dysfunctions in your body that may not be apparent through conventional medical testing. By identifying these underlying factors, practitioners can address root causes of health issues rather than just managing symptoms.

  1. Functional lab tests provide individualised data about a person's unique biochemistry, allowing for bespoke - personalised treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. This personalised approach can lead to more effective interventions and better outcomes for longer periods of time rather than a quick fix solution focus.

  2. Functional lab tests can help detect imbalances or dysfunctions in the body before they progress to more serious health problems. Preventive Health Screening is a proactive approach to health screening that can help prevent long term chronic diseases and promote overall wellness.

  3. Functional lab tests can be used to monitor a clients progress over time and assess the effectiveness of personalised interventions. By regularly retesting (a minimum of 3 -6 months between tests in many cases) and comparing results, your practitioner can adjust treatment plans as needed to optimise outcomes and Track Progress.

  4. Functional lab testing often involves a comprehensive assessment of multiple physiological systems, including the digestive system, hormonal balance, immune function, nutrient status, neurotransmitters, mould, heavy metals and more. This holistic and integrative approach provides a more complete picture of overall health and well-being.

  5. Functional lab tests empower clients by giving them insight into their own health, body and mind and support them to take an active role in their wellness journey. Understanding the underlying factors contributing to their health issues can motivate patients to make positive lifestyle changes and adhere to treatment plans hence encouraging advocating for their health and client Empowerment.

  6. By integrating functional lab testing into our clinical practice, our practitioners can offer more comprehensive and integrative care for you, addressing the root causes of illness is found by our in depth health history questionnaires and advisory functional tests based on the information and symptoms, thus promoting optimal health and wellness for their patients.

Overall, functional lab tests play a valuable role in modern Integrative and holistic healthcare, by providing insights into underlying imbalances, guiding personalised treatment plans, and promoting preventive health and wellness as well as supporting, in many cases, remission of health issues presented at initial consultation

However, it's important to note that functional lab testing should be interpreted by one of our qualified healthcare professionals, within Alison Stockton Ltd, as they are trained in functional medicine or integrative medicine to ensure accurate assessment and appropriate intervention so that you get the best care.

Whilst we always recommend specific functional tests to our clients, ordering a test alone does not necessarily help you to understand the data or analyse what your body needs more or less off. So whilst YES you can order the test through us, we highly recommend you book the bespoke 1:1 consultation first.

The DUTCH Complete™ is the most advanced hormone test, offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Easily collected in the comfort of your own home, samples are then sent to our lab to be processed.

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Dutch Test

The GI-360 is an innovative, comprehensive and clinically-applicable stool profile. In addition to the traditional laboratory culture methodology, it also includes DNA PCR technology to detect pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites, with microscopy providing an additional assessment of parasites.

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DNA testing available on request

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Organic Acid Test

organic acid test includes 76 urinary metabolites that provide a comprehensive snapshot of a patient’s overall health as the initial screening test and is useful for discovering underlying causes for chronic illness

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Hair Mineral

Hair is essentially an excretory tissue rather than a functional tissue. Hair element analysis provides important information which, in conjunction with symptoms and other laboratory values, can assist the physician with an early diagnosis of physiological disorders associated with aberrations in essential and toxic element metabolism. As protein is synthesized in the hair follicle, elements are incorporated permanently into the hair with no further exchange or equilibration with other tissues. Scalp hair is easy to sample, and because it grows an average of one to two cm per month, it contains a temporal record of element metabolism and exposure to toxic elements.Nutrient elements including magnesium, chromium, zinc, copper and selenium are obligatory co-factors for hundreds of important enzymes and also are essential for the normal functions of vitamins.

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Complete Thyroid

(Many doctors (unless private) can not run a full thyroid panel due to cost restrictions within government health provider services)

Thyroid Complete serves as a valuable tool for detecting those patients that are suffering from thyroid dysfunction, including low-grade hyper- or hypothyroidism, which might otherwise go undetected through standard blood tests, and auto-immune thyroid conditions either Hashimoto’s disease or Graves’ disease.
Thyroid Complete includes TSH, T4, T3, fT4, fT3, TPO Ab, TG Ab, T-uptake and rT3. It is also useful for monitoring thyroid function

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We offer 2 tests for SIBO

using lactulose or Glucose

Breath testing for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), measuring the gut bacterial fermentation products hydrogen and methane, is a robust method of assessing gut microbial activity. Breath gas production within 100 minutes of ingesting carbohydrates is diagnostic of SIBO.

Bacteria in the intestinal tract ferment ingested carbohydrates, gas byproducts pass across the gut wall into the circulation and are rapidly diffused by the lungs and exhaled in the breath.

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Mycotoxin Test

The GPL-MycoTOX is a comprehensive mycotoxin test that screens for eleven mycotoxins and forty species of mould from a single urine sample.
Mycotoxins (toxins from mould) are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment. Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mould, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and foodstuffs. Most mycotoxin exposures in North America, Europe, and Australia are through airborne exposure. Food may be a major source of mycotoxins in third-world nations that lack government inspection of foods, especially the grains such as rice, corn, wheat, rye, barley and often in coffee especially instant.

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offer a stand alone order only option, we do advise that you book a full consultation for a HEALTH check in to best guide you for the correct test, this includes a Consultation, lab suggestion, lab interpretation and follow up bespoke plan following test results. (the cost of labs is additional to the consultations).

All tests are ordered on your behalf once payment in received and will be sent directly to your address, it is your responsibility to ensure the test instructions are followed to the letter (to avoid any errors so that the lab can assess accordingly and interpret your results.

Where necessary, such as Thyroid complete, a phlebotomist will be required with a private appointment in an area close to you, or aa home visit, for which you will be assisted to locate and will be responsible for the additional costs directly to the phlebotomist.