How is your breath, right now in this very moment?

Take a few minutes to sit and observe your own breath.

Don’t change it or do anything differently, just observe how you are breathing. Becoming conscious of our breath is the first step in changing the way we breathe for improved mental, emotional, and physiological health.

Here’s an invitation to make these check-ins part of your day. Perhaps first thing in the morning, on your lunch break, out on a walk, driving, before dinner, and when settling into bed. Notice how your breathing shifts throughout the day based on your level of stress, your state of mind, and other factors that occur throughout your day. (Your previous night’s sleep may also influence how you breathe!)

What do you notice?

Is it shallow? , Is it Deep? , Is it fast?

When was the last time you paused to check in with your breath?

Yes, we breathe every minute of every day, we have to, to survive. HOWEVER deep connective and restorative BREATH can be life-altering, and throughout this web page, I’m going to share more with you on why.

Enrich your breath

How your Breath Affects the Nervous System:

Our breath has an intimate relationship with the state of the nervous system. In fact, it may actually be the fastest and most effective way for you to shift your state and regulate your nervous system. For example, if you begin breathing faster, into the upper chest only, particularly in and out through your mouth - you will activate the Sympathetic Nervous System [SNS] (fight or flight). Unfortunately, there is a “loop” that we tend to get caught in when it comes to stress and breath.

You see, SNS activation causes the breath to speed up - which, in turn, triggers more SNS activation. This can result in a state of chronic hyperventilation, or over-breathing - just one common dysfunctional breathing pattern. Other dysfunctional breathing patterns include only using the upper chest to breathe and/or frequently holding your breath. These dysfunctional breathing patterns are actually very common - and strongly linked to a host of mental, emotional, and physical health problems.




Enriching your breath enhances your overall wellbeing

  • Trauma aware in Breath work


    Alison, holds a strong focus on understanding how and why trauma may show up in a person, with a focus on creating safety as the primary requirement for your healing to take place. Safety is non generic and therefore we must become attuned to the individual and group requirements in any breath work session.

    By developing a clear knowledge base around the many reasons for how and why trauma may arise, Alison ensures her work with you is done so in a safe, confident and competent way

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