Autoimmune Diseases

This Autoimmune Condition / Diseases List is here to help you navigate your autoimmune disease or symptoms you are experiencing that may be undiagnosed by Western Medicine.

Your body’s immune system protects you from disease and infection.

But if you have an autoimmune illness/ disease, your immune system is mistakenly attacking your healthy tissues or organs, there is a high probability that if you have one diagnosed autoimmune illness you will have others.

There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases

(In fact, it is thought to be closer to over 150 at present (2022 pub med paper) that attack all parts of the body, and some often have similar symptoms.

The primary goal when supporting and aiming to heal your autoimmune diseases through a functional medicine approach should be to reduce inflammation throughout your body, organs and brain and thereby reduce inflammatory symptoms.

Many Autoimmune illnesses and diseases are not obvious and often think that because there is nothing to BE SEEN there is nothing wrong with you. This is often the case with clients who present Chronic Fatigue, Sibo, Fybromialgia, psoriasis (covered so as not to be seen) Lyme disease and many others.

Autoimmune Disease List

This Autoimmune Diseases List is updated frequently in order to provide newly released scientific studies, from universities and global health educators and updated methods of supporting healing and personal stories from other women with autoimmune diseases.

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Would you be interested in helping to provide some of the missing information on our autoimmune disease list pages?

Adding your story and how you can manage your symptoms and diagnosis?

Your story could help hundreds of women feel seen and heard in their journey.

Please email us and share your story so that we can add it here, it could just reach another woman who needs to read it today.


  • Alison Stockton


    Alison herself was first diagnosed with thyroiditis in her 20s and it became autoimmune in her 30’s and lives with balancing her thyroid and antibodies she has scaring on her thyroid gland with a slight increase in nodules so health is crucial. I also lived with SIBO and IBS for many years, later experiencing exhausting adrenal exhaustion as well as POTs, Eczema and sinusitis as a child, Fibromyalgia, degenerative spine, and experienced clinical depression and anxiety (can be linked to AI but also a trauma response ). And Vaso vagal syncope, but this is not AI illness. I believe that all of the above was due to not only my CPTSD but also generational traumas.

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