Qualifications & Training

Alison’s Health and Wellbeing journey has been lifelong.

She began her humble journey to wellbeing at 11 years old!! She decided immediately that she no longer wanted to eat animal produce and a change began to evolve. Becoming a vegetarian was something her mother had never experienced, and was told eat what is prepared or cook for yourself, she chose the later, and with a small allowance, at 11 years old, she would go to health food stores and began experimenting in the kitchen with vegan and vegetarian foods, she leaned into her intuition and just felt called to no longer eat animals and that continued until she was 23 years old. She began then to once again eat animal produce and does to this day, but as a “choice~tarian” (chosing what she intuitively feels her body needs) She may be weeks without meat or may feel it is needed daily, listening to our own innerwisdom and advocating for what we need is something Alison is very passionate about teaching and she published her first health book in 2019 “Vibrant on the Inside out”.

Her next step in wellbeing began when she was 21 and she took her first qualification in “exercise to music” when she was living in the Channel Islands, and managed several health clubs from that point.

Alison went on to build her own Personal Training/Nutrition and Pilates business at the age of 21 in between running health clubs, and she continued her personal growth and professional development throughout the years, navigating her then unhealed trauma, ancestoral and during her own lifetime, which lead her to living with eating disorders, Gut health issues, autoimmune illnesses, mental health issues, to enhance her skill set that benefits her client’s results as such she has trained with Global leaders in various modalities to support her clients in Enriching their lives.

  • Alison is a boardScertified functional medicine practitioner.

    She studied for 3 years with SAFM.

    Functional medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual’s illness. Alison studies with the School of Functional Medicine for 3 years and will complete a further l12 months at a higher level in the near future.

    ACM - SAFM

  • Alison studied with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York.

    Health and Wellness Coaches are wellness experts and mentors who help others feel their best through personalized diet and lifestyle changes. Health Coaches work with clients to help them discover the best wellness routines and empower them to meet their unique health goals.

    Alison is an ambassador for IIN and future students

    IIN - Institute for Integrative Medicine NBHWC / CHHC

  • Alison certified with MoviTg the human spirit (TICC Trauma reformedcoachi g certification).

    Trauma-Informed Coaching is the practice of understanding the presence of trauma in a coach-client relationship and how to use it as a guide for resilience and solution-forward resolution. The depth of information and skill to ‘hold’ a space for profound coaching work is what gives Trauma-Informed Coaching its nuance and strength. Trauma-Informed Coaches have training in client regulation, brain-body connection, behavioral reaction, different types of traumas, leading causes, and subsequent symptoms. They have learned the proper channels for referral and the growing relationship between clinical professionals, therapists, and coaches. To become a Trauma-Informed Coach, one must have authenticity, strong values, and beliefs that are not limiting or suppress working in this area. Alison learned methods to help her clients to ‘regulate’ the nervous system, discard shame and guilt through powerful questions, and recognize and promote wellness as it starts to develop

    TICC is an ICF accredited certification lead by - MOVING THE HUMAN SPIRIT

  • Alison has trained with a Somatic approach to EMDR therapy. EMDR was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987.

    It is used to address and repair the psychological and physiological effects of trauma. When brought together these two cutting-edge modalities help process traumatic memories and reduce emotional distress, while reconnecting with the body and restoring a sense of safety and agency.

    Alison’s Somatic EMDR practice, and approach is to help you engage in mind-body-focused healing so that women can live more Enriched lives and love themselves and others more deeply.

    We use scientific based methods such as Somatic EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and Bilateral stimulation.

    According to Trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, Somatic Therapy and EMDR Therapy are considered the best approaches for the treatment of trauma.

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is a comprehensive approach to therapy that integrates elements of psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, experiential, and body-centered therapies to maximize treatment effects. EMDR Therapy uses a structured protocol for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related past experiences that trigger emotions, beliefs, sensations.

    Somatic Interventions such as tracking sensations, deepening awareness, boundary awareness, and self-regulation complement and increase the efficacy of EMDR Therapy. Collectively these therapeutic modalities offer a profound healing tool for anyone facing the pain of PTSD.

    Somatic Psychology offers key concepts and interventions that are necessary for a unified Somatic approach to EMDR

    *Even though Alison is a certified Trauma Informed Coach, she is unable to diagnose, only trained psychologists, psychiatrists and on occasion psychotherapist can diagnose.

    There are practices, methods and lifestyle medicine Alison is able to support you with whilst remaining within her scope of practice to best support her clients.

  • Alison is a certified Breath work coach. She has be

    She has been using the power of breath for many years with her clients in a capacity of fitness, endurance training and pilates, and is now using the deeper powers of connecting to breath to support wellbeing forrher clients.

    Breath is nothing less than the potency of lifeforce within you, and in the Breathwork Diploma Course you will learn how to use it to return to vitality, health, balance and joy in ways that will reconfigure your entire energy system on multiple levels. Return to the power of a reality energised by lifeforce.

  • Alison is a Current University student (year 2 of BSc) of Psychology and counselling, integrativing health science, emotional regulation, psychological dissordersnervous system regulation and emotional wellbeing practices to support h r clients.

  • The Conscious Energy Clearing Method ® is a methodology of various codes connected to energy and chakras to release fears and obstacles that may be holding you back.

    The positive potency of energy clearin has been experienced by many

  • Alison has completed her foundation, fundamental traing with the Wim Hof method ®.

    Wim Hof method ® teaches you the power of the breath, nervous system and cold exposure, guiding you every step of the way on a natural path to strength, health and happiness

  • Alison took an additional level 2 ACES qualification to support her clients.

    Over half the population of the UK, USA, 319 million in Europeand numbers rising currently in Ukraine and the middle east due to war and conflict, these children and adults ar and have been Affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences with at least 1 ACES score prior to the age of 18.

    ACEs are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance misuse in adulthood

  • Alison is a certified Level 2 Mental Health practitioner supporting clients with areas such as OCD, eating disorders, anxiety & depression.

  • Alison supports her clients with Coaching for those with Emotional and dissordered eating.

    Alison was herself hospitalized after a long period with oanorexia, and then developed bulimia and orthorexia, she can pin point the behaviour start date to one of her own traumatic experiences.

    Eating behavior is a complex interplay of physiologic, psychological, social and genetic factors that influence meal timing, quantity of food intake, food preference, and food selection.

    Emotonal and dissordered eating may have been developed as a coping mechanism, also known as self soothing, numbing techniques and yet controversially can, if prolonged become a form of self sabotaging in the longer term.

    Alison supprtsher clents to create awareness f eating patterns and behaviours and address the parts that are associated with the habits, in order to devolep a more healthfuland lasting relationship with food ad self.

  • Emotional Intelligence, abbreviated to either EI or EQ is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict both externally and internally .

  • Positive Intelligence also known as Mental Fitness - PQ - created by Shirzad Chamine combines many psychological modalities to help humans identify their own saboteurs

  • Alison became a qualified Pilateb teacher in 2004 ane began teaching Pilates with her full Diploma in Mat/ Equipment , pre & Post natal and remedial (rehabilitation) pilates. Her diploma was acheiv

    d over a 5 year peLiod of learning methods and techniques to enhance the human body with movement.

    She studied with what was then the London Institute of Pilates (now MK Pilates global)

  • Alison startd her nutritio qualifications in the late 90’s along side herpersonal training qualifications and has done many programs since to support her clients nutritionally.

  • Alison has taken training with ACSM and Premiere Global - (now NASAM) and certified fitness skills with TRX, swiss ball, outdoor boot camp, boxercise, spin instructor, exerciseto music, step instructor, fit kids as well as Pilates.

    ExerciseAfor Alison for a long time wal her escape from her own internal trauma, it at one point became obsessive and dangerous to her healih, and from all she learned was able to support her clients with a healthy balnce oto exercise and lifestyle. She has used fitness in her coaching now for 29 years and continues to utilize the benefits of movementfor her clients in her holistic Health and Healing programs

  • Alison is a Certified masseause since 2004, Alison ha used massage to support her clients in many countries and is able to continue to utilize body therapy and integrate it into her healing therapies for in person clients.