Alison trained with and certified with one of the leading functional medicine health schools (School of Applied Functional Medicine SAFM, Masachusas USA from 2019- 2023) spending hundreds of hours in education and client study to achieve AFMC board certification.

Before her functional medicine education journey, Alisonspent 12 months being educated at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN ~ New York) and runs her online practice to support and restore health and quality of life for women around the world.

Alison utilizes the latest advancements in Functional diagnostic testing to uncover underlying dysfunctions and states of disease in the body. And is frequently able to uncover overlooked factors by non-private, overworked and underpaid primary care practitioners, with these data based, scientific results, Alison is able to dramatically and positively impact her clients’ health, both psychologically and physically.

Once Alison has the objective data reports from the lab, she can customize a functional medicine program, tailored to your needs that includes customized nutrition and condition-specific natural supplements - lifestyle medicine, movement therapy and the advanced support of Trauma informed therapy such as Somatic EMDR and trauma informed coaching, all tailored to your unique physiology because Alison sees you as a hole person and your past experiences matter as to the root cause of your present day symptoms.

Functional Medicine

Alison studies with the School of Applied Functional Medicine in the USA and is a board-certified functional Medicine Practitioner.

You may be new to Functional Medicine, but it has been around for centuries, even BC, Functional medicine is no longer a NEW TERMINOLOGY, yet it is still somewhat unknown to many.

During 2020 more and more Medical Doctors trained in Functional Medicine as they were able to support their patients on a deeper level, and whilst Alison is not an MD and can not diagnose or prescribe, many MDs took the same certification as she.

Functional medicine began to gain more awareness thanks to DR Jeffry Bland, known as the Global leader of Functional Medicine since 1991. His approach to PERSONALIZED LIFESTYLE MEDICINE” is an approach to healthcare that focuses on addressing the root causes of illness and understanding the body as an interconnected system (all parts - not separate parts, because all parts, chemicals, hormones, neurotransmitters etc affect another part like a jigsaw puzzle 🧩.

It is an evolution of conventional medicine that aims to provide more personalised and comprehensive care by considering the unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that contribute to an individual's health and the symptoms they present.

  • Key principles and features of functional medicine include:

  • Patient-Centered Care: Functional medicine places a strong emphasis on the doctor-patient relationship. Practitioners spend time with patients, listening to their histories, and considering the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health.

  • Holistic Approach: Instead of treating symptoms in isolation, functional medicine looks at the body as an integrated and interconnected system. This holistic perspective aims to identify and address the underlying imbalances that may contribute to various health issues.

  • Personalised Medicine: Functional medicine recognizes that each person is unique, and what works for one individual may not work for another. Treatment plans are tailored to each patient based on their specific needs, genetics, and environmental factors.

  • Preventive Care: The focus on addressing root causes extends to preventive care. Functional medicine aims to prevent illness by identifying and mitigating risk factors before symptoms manifest.

  • Nutrition and Lifestyle: Diet and lifestyle play a crucial role in functional medicine. As a Practitioner Alison always supports her patients to make dietary and lifestyle changes that support their individual needs and overall health and address specific health concerns.

  • Integration of Conventional and Alternative Therapies: Functional medicine integrates a range of approaches, including both conventional medical practices and alternative or complementary therapies. Alison will write to your primary healthcare provider when working one-on-one, to inform them of the work you and she are doing together to support the allopathic requests when needed.

    This may include nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, mind-body techniques, and more.

  • Advanced Diagnostic Testing: Functional medicine often employs advanced diagnostic testing to assess various aspects of health, including hormonal balance, Gut imbalances, nutrient levels, neurotransmitters and genetic markers as well as toxic load in the body, these tests are available globally to Alison’s clients. These tests help Alison as your practitioner, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the individual's health status.

  • Focus on Chronic Diseases: Functional medicine is particularly well-suited for addressing chronic conditions. By identifying and addressing the underlying causes, Alison aims to support, manage and even reverse chronic diseases, alongside your own Primary Health care provider where possible..

Overcoming Chronic Illness Naturally

Based on cutting-edge science, functional medicine offers a whole new way to understand and look at chronic illnesses from metabolic dysfunction (such as diabetes), adrenal dysfunction (you may have heard it called adrenal fatigue), DNA alterations such as MTHFR, hormonal imbalances, Gut health, Thyroid health to depression; heart disease to hypertension; autoimmune disease to autism; allergies to anxiety and many more areas of the effects of chronic illness.

The core concept is that chronic illness is an outcome of imbalances in the key underlying physiological systems in your body and immune system.

When inflammation, blood sugar imbalance, insulin resistance, leptin resistance, oxidative stress, hormonal imbalances, and systemic upset occur, the body spirals out of balance ~ it, all by itself creates a malaise of issues.

This in conjunction with poor diet, lack of essential nutrients, emotional stress, environmental toxins, lack of exercise, unhealed trauma and other lifestyle issues, are the seeds planted for chronic disease to develop and progress into further health concerns, it is our job to get to the roots and support the healing process to restore and Enrich your health.